Amarrias Tanka

My looks are a shield
Hips and curves a distraction
Your blind of the truth
And led on by what you see
But beneath my skin, is me.


  1. WOW Amarria! This poem is very well written and it helps me really connect to your feelings about yourself and others. I love how you throw in the curve ball, and talk about internal beauty. You contrasted the world's view, versus the right view and it was really powerful.

  2. I love the message you are conveying in this, and how you are able to talk about your personal experiences. I agree with the theme of the poem, and how you should not be judged based on your appearances, but rather what is on the inside. This was amazing!

  3. I like how you take yourself and take what others think of you and put it all into words. The last line was amazing it shows who you are

  4. This poem really does a nice job of calling out people who pay attention to external representations of self, and fail to see the person, the authentic person that lies beneath. I think the poem is profound, and I guess it makes me curious to know how you would define yourself "beneath your skin"

  5. l ike how you talk abut how peopel look at you form th outside but then you talk about how you look at your self fromt eh indide

  6. This is really good because when some peopl see really pretty women they just look at their looks and judge them based on their looks not their actual person and you show that you dont wanna be judged by your looks you just wanna be you.

  7. This shows that you have a lot more to you than what meets the eye and that you would want people to see that part of you than to see the part that normal people would see. this also is really good at getting to a personal level of yourself

  8. I really like how you created a vulnerability when writing this because it is so personal. I think it means a lot for you to put your emotions into words and reading this kind of gives me a perspective of what you're talking about. It takes bravery to talk about something you may be so sensitive about but allowing those emotions to come through really creates beautiful poetry.

  9. I love how you showed that some people depend on looks rather then actually getting to know the person. i honestly don't have anything else to say, Its really deep, Nice job =)

  10. It was interesting the way you talked about yourself and how people look at you and see you, but don´t see the real you. I like how in the last line you described yourself as ¨beneath my skin, is me¨.

  11. I think this poem showed your thoughts about what people think of you. It showed how you use other topics so that you don't have to talk about problems and try to make sure others are unaware.

  12. This poem helps me to understand how you feel about yourself and view yourself as a strong individual who isn't based on looks. You express a feeling of injustice because people base you on looks instead of what's on the inside. I think this can relate to a lot of people. Good job.

  13. This is true because whwt people look at is the outer shell and not the feelings the person has on the inside. people judge people by their skin color and how they look so it is like judging a book by its cover.

  14. this poem shows me how you want people to see you for who you are and not your apperance

  15. Amarria, This poem does a really good job of showing how people can look at a person and only see their physical appearance. It's a really deep poem and I think a lot of people can relate to it. Great Job!


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