Joshua's Tanka: MEMORIES

Joshua's Tanka

The everlasting
What you cannot see or hear
But will always feel
This is how words turn pictures
and Pictures turn tears turn fears 


  1. This poem is super trippy and well written. You have good creativity in writing poetry.

  2. i like how your wiritng about memories and they can be good but i think there bad beuase at the end you say turn to tears wich could mean they where bad

  3. I love your creativity in writing poetry! its confusing (in a good way) and incredibly well written, Nice job =)

  4. AMAZING POEM JOSH I stand by what i said before you would make an amazing poet keep doing this you are going places my friend keep this up

  5. This poem is very trippy, like james said but very deep. I could relate to this poem because I don't completely remember my great grandmother but i can feel her and remember how I felt when i was with her. This poem gives off a feeling of loss. Its very well written, good job.

  6. Your poem gives off emotion but your wording is personally confusing but that might just be me. But i enjoyed how your portrayed your experience of memories through writing.

  7. Your poem was good and highlighted how important memories of someone or something can be to people and and how you should always hold on to them.

  8. i like how you show how words turn to pictures because you are describing how you are painting a picture

  9. This is amazing it really displays a persons feelings towards memories such as bad memories and scary ones.


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