Justins tanka

It is a hot breeze
Filled with french slain and language
A home for someone
I feel like i'm free and home

I feel like i fit in now


  1. justin this was amazing (hard to read,but amazing) i love how you bring in this idea of fitting in and how it has finally happened this is amazing and your poetry skills once again amaze me amazing job justin

  2. I can not interpret the meaning of this poem, because of its greatness! It must be how you interpret something, but what? This poem is a deep pool that the meaning is at the bottom but your ears pop before you can get to it.

  3. I see the part where you describe something then you explain the something. What is the something you are trying to say, I don´t understand it, but I know it´s fire.

  4. This describes a place you find comfort in like a home or your family. In the last line when you say "I feel like i fit in now" it gives insight into how you feel different from other people around you. It reminds me of a place I find comfort just by how you describe this place.

  5. I love how you describe your place of home, and comfort. You have great poetic skills, Nice job =)

  6. This poem was interesting to me i didn't quite understand it at first and had to read it a couple of times to unerstand it and it really shows alot of emtion about how you fee towards your home.


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