Nick's Tanka: Baby Guinea Pigs

Baby guinea pigs
Some new pets to take care of
Planning to get two
Wonder what color they’ll be?
It’ll be a fun surprise!


  1. This is simply spectacular, Nicholas! Never in a million years would I've thought of you building off of that original poem of your guinea pig and already we have a mini-series of poem based off of your guinea pigs! This pumps me up to find out what your upcoming poems will be about! In this poem, you describe what your guinea pig is preparing for and the surprising factor in this is that there are 2 babies that are being planned, not just one! Overall, this is an amazing poem, and I see a guinea pig poem series very soon!

  2. I loved how this poem connects to the other poem you presented earlier. It really shows your love for guinea pigs! It definitely creates an image for your readers!

  3. Nick, This poem is really lighthearted and fun. It made me go back and read your other poem about guinea pigs since other commenters were referencing it here. I agree with Edmund that it could be the beginning of a mini-series of poems about guinea pigs! I love animals, so this poem brought a smile to my face picturing two baby guinea pigs and wondering what color they will be.

  4. I like how this ties into the other poem you presented earlier, and how you were able to give vivid imagery of guinea pigs, which are soo cute. It shows a whole different side of you.

  5. This meditation on guinea pigs is super fun to watch...I wonder how many poems will be about these lil critters. Can I call them critters? How many colors could the guineas be? Brown, white, black, grey....this has me wondering how much time is spent attending to these animals, and if you have begun to communicate with them in a universal language...a language with no words.

  6. I liked this poem! It was really interesting to read, and I liked how there was a series of guinea pig poems. This poem made me happy to think about baby guinea pigs. Great poem Nick!


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