Rain - Reina´s Tonka


Beautiful Rainstorms
Rains, with soothing touch
Blue warm rain on land
Clouds over the place with peace
sparkling ice everywhere.


  1. Reina, your poem is very visual and engages the senses while reading! I feel like I can picture and feel what it is you're describing. I also like the juxtaposition in the 4th line with "clouds over the place with peace" -- normally I would think of "clouds" as a negative word, but you include it with the word "peace." How interesting. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  2. This poem is amazing! It creates an image so clear like the rain in your poem, and how it can take many forms such as ice which as you put it, sparkling. It is truly a great poem, and keep writing it!

  3. The imagery evokes peace and quiet very well for being stuck in a classroom, which helped me experience how rain can be welcomed and relaxed. Good job!

  4. This poem is very descriptive and I love that it makes me feel sleepy. It makes me want to curl up in bed and listen to the sound of rain. I also think that it's clever to do rain because you can make so much out of it, and rain and Reina sound similar so that's a bonus! This was a really soothing poem and it brought a lot of peace. I will be reading this before an exam! :)


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